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Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2020

Meet&greet before the show in Porto Alegre, 03.10.2006 & RBD in Porto Alegre, 03.10.2006

Not a lot of pics but there will be more from next day. This time there are only Dulce pics from before the show. She was wearing black corset top, jeans with red belt and red striped arm warmers so this is their first outfit.  I thought she will wear shorts but she stayed in jeans.  Any was wearing black bra top, black mini skirt, black leggings and boots.  Unfortunately I don't know their second outfits but I think they might be like the video below. Maite has some turquise mini dress, Any wears the same what she will wear next day - some orange mini skirt with black leggings, black bra top and another yellow one over it. Dulce has some yellow T-shirt and pink shorts. 

RBD in Vitoria, Brazil 01.10.2006

I don't know if it's possible to have press conference, TV show and concert in different city at the same day but it looks like RBD did it. Anahi first outfit is white bra top with red ribbon and black top underneath, white mini skirt, black leggings and white moon boots. Later she had black top so probably she just took off the white top. Dulce was wearing red T-shirt and white shorts with this awkward pocket belt. Later she changed for black corset top, black shorts and red belt.  Maite had some white and red striped top and dark pants. Later she had some black top, black leggings and probably mini skirt. 

Press conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil 01.10.2006

The same day they had press conference in Sao Paulo.  Any was wearing comfy outfit: white T-shirt with some pink and purple print, black leggings with mini skirt and white moon boots. I love her hair - she looks like she washed it just before the conference. So natural, cute and fresh! Dulce is wearing pink T-shirt, jeans and black cap. Maite has some orange and tuquise top, black jacket and black pants. She added some turquise retro style earrings.