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Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2015

Photoshoot El Infierno

Today I will show yousome photos from the party in capitulo 20&21. There were jumpsuits, fancy wigs, platform boots, bright colors, crazy! Who is your favourite?

Party outfits - Capitulo 20 & 21

As I promised, I will show you Mia's and Roberta's crazy outfits for the party. They escaped from school and then Alma and Franco had to help them, but it was so much fun! It was 70s style party, everyone looked so crazy! First - Roberta. She was wearing a zigzag jumpsuit, black platform boots and red curly wig. Quite hippie and rebel. Really her style, isn't it?  Mia was wearing white top and white patent skirt, and some zebra boots. She looked more like 90s than 70s, but it was also her style. Nice, like for the party. She had curly hairstyle and buttierflies in hair. Very cute and glamour. Soo Mia! Which one you like more? I will show you the photoshoot from the party in next post!

Roberta's outfits capitulos 9-20

I showed you Mia's outfits last time, now it's time for Roberta! Outfit 11 She changed her booties for knee boots at the end of 9 capitulo!  Close up at her booties.  Arriving to school, capitulo 9 and 10. Roberta is wearing asymmetric ripped mini skirt, made of metallic material, grey and black buckle sweater (ugly as hell), black top underneath and her black booties. This is so bad I can't even tell... Outfit 12 I wasn't sure if I should put this here, but I did. This is the outfit Roberta was wearing in 13 capitulo when she was at dancing rehearsal. She and her friends were wearing combat trousers, and strapless tops over tank tops in contrast colors.  Outfit 13 dressing up Capitulos: 12, 13, 14. Roberta is wearing light blue flared jeans with some quilting and holes on the knees, orange belt, blue bra, black open knit top and black booties. Quite nice, I like the top. Ou