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Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2019

Roberta hair in 3 Temporada - part 1

Today it's time to Roberta hair in 3 Temporada. First I want to show her hair during free time and concerts. She has lovely long and shiny red hair. Sometimes she curls it and it looks very cute. But later after the scene when she cuts her hair and wears those awkward braids, her hair is a disaster. Short and thin with ugly fringe. I just can't watch this. She looks cute with braids but silly with two ponytails, like little girl. 

Mia hair in 3 Temporada - part 2

And now Mia and her hair in school with uniform. In school she keeps her hair straight and simple. She don't wear ponytail or braids. Only sometimes she curls her hair a little bit. I don't like her hair in 3 Temporada because the light blonde colour looks so cheap. I preferred her in 1 Temporada with straight hair and natural colour.