RBD in Tampico, USA 05.03.2006 & San Jose, Costa Rica 11.03.2006

Today I have some pics from Tour Generacion. They are poor quality but I am still happy I found it. First is in Tampico, USA. There is no Anahi in these pics which makes me sad but there is two outfits of Dulce. First she is wearing black and silver embroidered bra which Anahi was wearing before, and we see it is too small for her. She has also denim shorts and burdundy sequin scarf as belt. Later she has her pink crop top and grey jeans with studded belt. 

This concert is from San Jose, CostaRrica and there is Anahi, but there is only one outfit. Anahi is wearing white T-shirt tied in front, black mini skirt and golden gypsy scarf as belt. Maite is wearing studded denim shorts and white ripped T-shirt which belonged to Anahi before. Dulce is wearing the same outfit as in Tampico. Pink cropped top and grey jeans with studded belt. 
