In this post I want to show you Mia and her style. What she likes to wear for what occassions and so on. Mia Colucci is the most popular and fashionable girl in Elite Way School and her style is very unique. She likes wearing elegant and classy clothes, and sometimes she dress more lika Barbie doll and very girly. She likes the color black and pastel pink, high heels and jeans. She often wear mini skirts and T-shirts. Here are examples of her looks and styles.
1. Jackets
Mia likes to wear elegant jackets: tweed, denim, white, pink or black. She usually wear it with T-shirt and jeans, sometimes with top or shirt and skirt.
2. Pleated mini skirts
She likes wearing mini skirts with T-shirts, tank tops, shirt or jacket. Her favourite is denim mini skirt. She wear it very often in different ways.
3. Midi skirts
Mia sometimes wear midi skirts in chic way: with turtleneck sweater, boots and top or casual with sneakers.
4. Shirts
Mia likes to mix elegant clothes with everyday style. She sometimes wear shirt with pleated mini skirt or with jeans.
5. Knits
Mia sometimes wear knitted sweaters with zippers with mini skirts, or turtleneck with jeans when it's cold. For special occassion she wear pastel pink sweater with big collar. The first sweater has collar and cuffs attached and it looks super preppy and chic.
6. Bandeau tops
Mia is very skinny and she likes to show her flat stomach wearing crop tops or bandeau tops. She likes it the most when on holiday with jeans or loose palazzo pants but she also wear it with mini skirts.
7. Jeans & T-shirts
This is her favourite combination. It is very easy and comfortable but when she add high heels and some jewelry she looks gorgeous.
8. Black top
Black tank top or sleeveless turtleneck is always a good idea to look chic with little effort. All you need is a pair of jeans or mini skirt, some jewelry and high heels.

9. Classy black and white
She likes wearing classy and chic black & white outfits. Sometimes it looks girly and sexy. For example polka dot dress, mini skirt with top and cardigan, or black top and mini skirt.
10. Comfortable
Mia wants sometimes to feel comfortable without high heels but still look fabulous. She is wearing loose pants or jeans with colorful tops and sneakers, sometimes with sporty jacket or coat.
11. Barbie
Mia Colucci is sometimes a real Barbie doll and she wear very childish clothes: ruffled mini skirts with boots and crop tops, pink dresses and bright colors. Sometimes a plain denim dress looks like Barbie because the way she walk and behave in it.
11. Sporty chic
If she wants to look comfortable but chic at the same time, she often wear sports jackets and blouses with mini skirts and high heels.
12. Leg warmers
Mia likes to wear leg warmers in her outfits. It must be bright color and match the rest of her outfit. For example colorful or black and white stripes matching her top, red or pink matching her top, turquise matching her shirt. She wear it with mini skirts or knee lenght jeans.
13. Scarfs
Mia likes accessories such as scarfs. She wear long knitted scarfs with turtlenecks and thin scarfs with T-shirts.
14. Tied up T-shirts
Instead of bandeau tops Mia sometimes ties up her T-shirts to show her belly. She wear it with jeans and mini skirts.
15. Cuffed up jeans
One of Mia's trends is jeans with one leg cuffed up to show her boots or high heels. She don't wear like this often.
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